Since ancient times many civilizations attributed to the sounds and music many healing properties and beneficial effects, especially on mood and on nervous states. Many scientific studies have shown that music influences the brain and therefore the neuronal activities: our endocrine system is stimulated and produces "betaendorfina", the hormones of "good mood", which have an analgesic capacity. Today, traditional medicine, while not recognizing music therapy as official therapy, recommends its application in particular psycho-emotional and / or pathological situations. For this reason it is particularly indicated to stimulate the sensory and physical abilities of disabled people; treat, in adults and children, anxiety, hypertension, depression, hyperactivity, insomnia, etc. and also during pregnancy to encourage exchanges between mother and unborn child and to stimulate the physical and emotional growth of the fetus.


The Music Therapy sessions provide for an individual activity or small groups depending on the needs, lasting about 1 hour / week. Characteristic of music therapy:
  • use of a "non-verbal" communication language (through the world of sounds, vibrations and also of rhythmic movement), very effective on people of all ages with communicative deficits, delays or simply emotional and / or relational difficulties (lack of self-esteem, aggression, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia, stress-related disorders, etc.)
  • REMEMBER, REPEAT AND GO BEYOND: this is the typical process of analytical treatment. In the event that the verbal expression is missing or inhibited, this process risks not being able to emerge ... in this the Music therapy is very effective as it puts in the conditions of "remembering", of repeating and re-elaborating the lived experiences through gestures, sounds, vibrations, freeing emotions trapped in the "memory" itself, often responsible for many psycho-physical disorders.
  • It offers an autonomous, effective and safe communication bridge, useful for helping the patient to acquire greater awareness.
  • Sounds and vibrations transmit impulses to the autonomic nervous system with consequent production and release of endorphins, chemical substances synthesized by the body, responsible for well-being and joy, able to strengthen the immune system and increase the pain threshold in addition to lowering the cortisol index in the blood thus reducing stress.


  • you produce sounds and music through the use of various instruments, recordings, etc.
  • you learn to listen, to get in touch with our feelings and emotions and to translate them, through the sounds (instrumental and vocal) in gestures and expressions verbal or paraverbali of what music brings out in terms of feelings, sensations, experiences
  • you put into play the creativity and expressiveness acquire awareness, ability to control, to let go beyond, of cognitive and organizational development, improving autonomy and improvement in the quality of life and relationship with others!


Inherited from the ancient tradition of Tibet and Mongolia, the Tibetan Bells belong to the world of sound, in its primordial form, that of "vibration". They are forged with an alloy of seven metals corresponding to the seven chakras and the seven planets: Gold-SunArgento-LunaFerro-MarteMercury-MercuryStone-JupiterRame-VenusPiombo-Saturn According to oriental medicine, the human body is traversed by vibrations and energetic waves, which they put the man in harmony, synchrony and symphony with the environment; therefore, faced with a disturbance of any kind, the energy that flows in our body loses its uniformity, thus creating distorted frequencies, accumulations and energy blocks.The Sound Massage with the Tibetan Bells, creates a deep meditative state that intervenes directly on the energetic points (chakras), and on the brain waves allowing a re-equilibrium of the vital rhythms, harmonizing and energizing the Bio-energetic system.
time: 50 min. €. 50,00


The "massage" sound does not provide a manual treatment but the administration of sounds at specific frequencies: comfortably lying in a warm room, with soft light and air flavored with the vapors of specific essential oils, some bells are placed on the body and around the person Tibetan, each with its specific function. The operator with skill, vibrates and reproduces, with various instruments, sounds able to act in a specific way on the energy centers. The vibrations create a sequence of resonances with the vibrations of the body, with profound beneficial effects on the well-being of the person: a sense of relaxation and stimulation of the production of endorphins, the endogenous substances produced by the body that promote positive sensations and well-being, abandonment of worries and accumulated tensions, increased bodily perceptions and contact with the deepest part ... you will obtain self-balancing energy, improvement of organic function and tissues, improvement of respiration, oxygenation and benefit on anxiety and suffering, concentration and stimulation of cognitive functions and emotional.
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